Refund policy

Refund policy
30 Days Returns Guarantee

Customers can contact us within 30 days from the date of receiving item(s). If you have received defective or damaged, missing-part or wrong product, please apply an after-sale service or email us immediately.

180 Days Repair Parts Guarantee

Customers can contact us within 180 days from the date of receiving item(s). If the assessment shows that X-IMVLEI is responsible for the product's issue under warranty, your product will be repaired or replaced parts for free.

How to return:

For personal reason, please contact our customer service:

and please describe the issue in detail, including the return reason, along with your order ID and SKU product number.

For defective incorrect or not as described item(s), please send us a clear picture of the problem and then we will give you solutions.

After receiving your return and inspecting the condition of your item, we will process your return or exchange. Please allow at least 15 days from the receipt of your item to process your return or exchange. Refunds may take 1-2 billing cycles to appear on your bank card statement, depending on your bank card company. We will notify you by email when your return has been processed.


* All returns must first be approved by our customer service team.

On X-IMVNLEI Responsibilities:

X-IMVNLEI will be responsible for any faulty, damaged, broken, defective, soiled or wrong items, missing-part items.

Please send us a clear picture or video of the problem, after confirming we will arrange a full refund of product price or exchange.

On customer's duty:

1. Incorrect order (model of the item):

If the customer has ordered an incorrect product, we can also manage return/exchange for them.

2. Unwanted or unsatisfied items:

If the customers decide that they no longer want the item, they can apply a return for refund or exchange. Please note the items should be on brand new items, unworn, and unused if customers need to return to us.

Note: On customer's duty, customers will be responsible for paying the return shipping fee and then we can arrange an exchange or refund.

This policy does not cover the following:

We will not accept returns under the following conditions:

×Crashes or fire damage caused by non-manufacturing factors, including but not limited to, pilot errors.
× Damage caused by unauthorized modification, disassembly, or shell opening not in accordance with official instructions or manuals.
× Water damage or other damages caused by improper installation, incorrect use, or operation not in accordance with official instructions or manuals.
× Damage caused by a non-authorized service provider.
× Damage caused by unauthorized modification of circuits and mismatch or misuse of the battery and charger.
× Damage caused by flights which did not follow instruction manual recommendations.
× Damage caused by operation in bad weather (i.e. strong winds, rain, sand/dust storms, etc.)
× Damage caused by operating the product in an environment with electromagnetic interference (i.e. in mining areas or close to radio transmission towers, high-voltage wires, substations, etc.).
× Damage caused by operating the product in an environment suffering from interference from other wireless devices (i.e. transmitter, video-downlink, Wi-Fi signals, etc.).
× Damage caused by operating the product at a weight greater than the safe takeoff weight, as specified by instruction manuals.
× Damage caused by a forced flight when components have aged or been damaged.
× Damage caused by reliability or compatibility issues when using unauthorized third-party parts.
× Damage caused by operating the unit with a low-charged or defective battery.
× Loss of, or damage to, your data by a product.
× Any software programs, whether provided with the product or installed subsequently.
× Products or parts with an altered identification label or from which the identification label has been removed.